rpos( $ua, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE ' ) === 0 && strpos( $ua, 'Opera' ) === false ) { $version = (float) substr( $ua, 30 ); return $version < 6 || ( $version == 6 && strpos( $ua, 'SV1' ) === false ); } } return false; } /** * Returns array of data headers * * @return array */ function _get_cached_headers( $response_headers ) { $data_headers = array(); $cache_headers = array_merge( array( 'Location', 'X-WP-Total', 'X-WP-TotalPages' ), $this->_config->get_array( 'pgcache.cache.headers' ) ); if ( function_exists( 'http_response_code' ) ) { // php5.3 compatibility $data_headers['Status-Code'] = http_response_code(); } $repeating_headers = array( 'link', 'cookie', 'set-cookie' ); $repeating_headers = apply_filters( 'w3tc_repeating_headers', $repeating_headers ); foreach ( $response_headers as $i ) { $header_name = $i['name']; $header_value = $i['value']; foreach ( $cache_headers as $cache_header_name ) { if ( strcasecmp( $header_name, $cache_header_name ) == 0 ) { $header_name_lo = strtolower( $header_name ); if ( in_array($header_name_lo, $repeating_headers) ) { // headers may repeat $data_headers[] = array( 'n' => $header_name, 'v' => $header_value ); } else { $data_headers[$header_name] = $header_value; } } } } return $data_headers; } /** * Returns page key * * @return string */ function _get_page_key( $page_key_extension, $request_url = '' ) { // key url part if ( empty( $request_url ) ) { $request_url_fragments = $this->_request_url_fragments; } else { $request_url_fragments = array(); $parts = parse_url( $request_url ); if ( isset( $parts['host'] ) ) { $request_url_fragments['host'] = $parts['host'] . ( isset( $parts['port'] ) ? ':' . $parts['port'] : '' ); } else { $request_url_fragments['host'] = $this->_request_url_fragments['host']; } $request_url_fragments['path'] = ( isset( $parts['path'] ) ? $parts['path'] : '' ); $request_url_fragments['querystring'] = ( isset( $parts['query'] ) ? '?' . $parts['query'] : '' ); $request_url_fragments = $this->_normalize_url_fragments( $request_url_fragments ); } $key_urlpart = $request_url_fragments['host'] . $request_url_fragments['path'] . $request_url_fragments['querystring']; $key_urlpart = $this->_get_page_key_urlpart( $key_urlpart, $page_key_extension ); // key extension $key_extension = ''; $extensions = array( 'useragent', 'referrer', 'cookie', 'encryption' ); foreach ( $extensions as $e ) { if ( !empty( $page_key_extension[$e] ) ) { $key_extension .= '_' . $page_key_extension[$e]; } } if ( Util_Environment::is_preview_mode() ) { $key_extension .= '_preview'; } // key postfix $key_postfix = ''; if ( $this->_enhanced_mode && empty( $page_key_extension['group'] ) ) { $key_postfix = '.html'; if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'pgcache.cache.nginx_handle_xml' ) ) { $content_type = isset( $page_key_extension['content_type'] ) ? $page_key_extension['content_type'] : ''; if ( @preg_match( "~(text/xml|text/xsl|application/xhtml\+xml|application/rdf\+xml|application/rss\+xml|application/atom\+xml|application/xml)~i", $content_type ) || preg_match( W3TC_FEED_REGEXP, $request_url_fragments['path'] ) || strpos( $request_url_fragments['path'], ".xsl" ) !== false ) { $key_postfix = '.xml'; } } } // key compression $key_compression = ''; if ( $page_key_extension['compression'] ) { $key_compression = '_' . $page_key_extension['compression']; } $key = w3tc_apply_filters( 'pagecache_page_key', array( 'key' => array( $key_urlpart, $key_extension, $key_postfix, $key_compression ), 'page_key_extension' => $page_key_extension, 'url_fragments' => $this->_request_url_fragments ) ); return implode( '', $key['key'] ); } private function _get_page_key_urlpart( $key, $page_key_extension ) { // remove fragments $key = preg_replace( '~#.*$~', '', $key ); // host/uri in different cases means the same page in wp $key = strtolower( $key ); if ( empty( $page_key_extension['group'] ) ) { if ( $this->_enhanced_mode || $this->_nginx_memcached ) { $extra = ''; // URL decode $key = urldecode( $key ); // replace double slashes $key = preg_replace( '~[/\\\]+~', '/', $key ); // replace index.php $key = str_replace( '/index.php', '/', $key ); // remove querystring $key = preg_replace( '~\?.*$~', '', $key ); // make sure one slash is at the end if (substr($key, strlen($key) - 1, 1) == '/') { $extra = '_slash'; } $key = trim( $key, '/' ) . '/'; if ( $this->_nginx_memcached ) { return $key; } return $key . '_index' . $extra; } } return md5( $key ); } /** * Returns debug info * * @param boolean $cache * @param string $reason * @param boolean $status * @param double $time * @return string */ public function w3tc_footer_comment( $strings ) { $strings[] = sprintf( // translators: 1: Engine name, 2: Reject reason placeholder, 3: Page key extension. __( 'Page Caching using %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'w3-total-cache' ), Cache::engine_name( $this->_config->get_string( 'pgcache.engine' ) ), '{w3tc_pagecache_reject_reason}', isset( $this->_page_key_extension['cookie'] ) ? ' ' . $this->_page_key_extension['cookie'] : '' ); if ( $this->_debug ) { $time_total = Util_Debug::microtime() - $this->_time_start; $engine = $this->_config->get_string( 'pgcache.engine' ); $strings[] = ''; $strings[] = 'Page cache debug info:'; $strings[] = sprintf( "%s%s", str_pad( 'Engine: ', 20 ), Cache::engine_name( $engine ) ); $strings[] = sprintf( "%s%s", str_pad( 'Cache key: ', 20 ), $this->_page_key ); $strings[] = sprintf( "%s%.3fs", str_pad( 'Creation Time: ', 20 ), time() ); $headers = $this->_get_response_headers(); if ( count( $headers['plain'] ) ) { $strings[] = "Header info:"; foreach ( $headers['plain'] as $i ) { $strings[] = sprintf( "%s%s", str_pad( $i['name'] . ': ', 20 ), Util_Content::escape_comment( $i['value'] ) ); } } $strings[] = ''; } return $strings; } /** * Sends headers * * @param array $headers * @return boolean */ function _headers( $headers ) { if ( headers_sent() ) return false; $repeating = array(); // headers are sent as name->value and array(n=>, v=>) // to support repeating headers foreach ( $headers as $name0 => $value0 ) { if ( is_array( $value0 ) && isset( $value0['n'] ) ) { $name = $value0['n']; $value = $value0['v']; } else { $name = $name0; $value = $value0; } if ( $name == 'Status' ) { @header( $headers['Status'] ); } elseif ( $name == 'Status-Code' ) { if ( function_exists( 'http_response_code' ) ) // php5.3 compatibility) @http_response_code( $headers['Status-Code'] ); } elseif ( !empty( $name ) && !empty( $value ) ) { @header( $name . ': ' . $value, !isset( $repeating[$name] ) ); $repeating[$name] = true; } } return true; } /** * Sends headers * * @param boolean $is_404 * @param string $etag * @param integer $time * @param string $compression * @param array $custom_headers * @return boolean */ function _send_headers( $is_404, $time, $etag, $compression, $custom_headers = array() ) { $exit = false; $headers = ( is_array( $custom_headers ) ? $custom_headers : array() ); $curr_time = time(); $bc_lifetime = $this->_config->get_integer( 'browsercache.html.lifetime' ); $expires = ( is_null( $time ) ? $curr_time : $time ) + $bc_lifetime; $max_age = ( $expires > $curr_time ? $expires - $curr_time : 0 ); if ( $is_404 ) { /** * Add 404 header */ $headers['Status'] = 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'; } elseif ( ( !is_null( $time ) && $this->_check_modified_since( $time ) ) || $this->_check_match( $etag ) ) { /** * Add 304 header */ $headers['Status'] = 'HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'; /** * Don't send content if it isn't modified */ $exit = true; } if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.enabled' ) ) { if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.html.last_modified' ) ) { $headers['Last-Modified'] = Util_Content::http_date( $time ); } if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.html.expires' ) ) { $headers['Expires'] = Util_Content::http_date( $expires ); } if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.html.cache.control' ) ) { switch ( $this->_config->get_string( 'browsercache.html.cache.policy' ) ) { case 'cache': $headers['Pragma'] = 'public'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public'; break; case 'cache_public_maxage': $headers['Pragma'] = 'public'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = sprintf( 'max-age=%d, public', $max_age ); break; case 'cache_validation': $headers['Pragma'] = 'public'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate'; break; case 'cache_noproxy': $headers['Pragma'] = 'public'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private, must-revalidate'; break; case 'cache_maxage': $headers['Pragma'] = 'public'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = sprintf( 'max-age=%d, public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate', $max_age ); break; case 'no_cache': $headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=0, private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'; break; } } if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.html.etag' ) ) { $headers['ETag'] = '"' . $etag . '"'; } } $headers = array_merge( $headers, $this->_get_common_headers( $compression ) ); /** * Send headers to client */ $result = $this->_headers( $headers ); if ( $exit ) exit(); return $result; } /** * Returns headers to send regardless is page caching is active */ function _get_common_headers( $compression ) { $headers = array(); if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.enabled' ) ) { if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.html.w3tc' ) ) { $headers['X-Powered-By'] = Util_Environment::w3tc_header(); } } $vary = ''; //compressed && UAG if ( $compression && $this->_page_key_extension['useragent'] ) { $vary = 'Accept-Encoding,User-Agent,Cookie'; $headers['Content-Encoding'] = $compression; //compressed } elseif ( $compression ) { $vary = 'Accept-Encoding'; $headers['Content-Encoding'] = $compression; //uncompressed && UAG } elseif ( $this->_page_key_extension['useragent'] ) { $vary = 'User-Agent,Cookie'; } //Add Cookie to vary if user logged in and not previously set if ( !$this->_check_logged_in() && strpos( $vary, 'Cookie' ) === false ) { if ( $vary ) $vary .= ',Cookie'; else $vary = 'Cookie'; } /** * Add vary header */ if ( $vary ) $headers['Vary'] = $vary; /** * Disable caching for preview mode */ if ( Util_Environment::is_preview_mode() ) { $headers['Pragma'] = 'private'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private'; } return $headers; } /** * Check if content was modified by time * * @param integer $time * @return boolean */ function _check_modified_since( $time ) { if ( !empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] ) ) { $if_modified_since = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] ) ); // phpcs:ignore // IE has tacked on extra data to this header, strip it if ( ( $semicolon = strrpos( $if_modified_since, ';' ) ) !== false ) { $if_modified_since = substr( $if_modified_since, 0, $semicolon ); } return $time == strtotime( $if_modified_since ); } return false; } /** * Check if content was modified by etag * * @param string $etag * @return boolean */ function _check_match( $etag ) { if ( !empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] ) ) { $if_none_match = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] ) ); // phpcs:ignore $client_etags = explode( ',', $if_none_match ); foreach ( $client_etags as $client_etag ) { $client_etag = trim( $client_etag ); if ( $etag == $client_etag ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Bad Behavior support * * @return void */ function _bad_behavior() { $bb_file = $this->_config->get_string( 'pgcache.bad_behavior_path' ); if ( $bb_file != '' ) require_once $bb_file; } /** * Parses dynamic tags */ function _parse_dynamic( $buffer ) { if ( !defined( 'W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY' ) ) return $buffer; $buffer = preg_replace_callback( '~(.*)~Uis', array( $this, '_parse_dynamic_mfunc' ), $buffer ); $buffer = preg_replace_callback( '~(.*)~Uis', array( $this, '_parse_dynamic_mclude' ), $buffer ); return $buffer; } /** * Parse dynamic mfunc callback * * @param array $matches * @return string */ function _parse_dynamic_mfunc( $matches ) { $code1 = trim( $matches[1] ); $code2 = trim( $matches[2] ); $code = ( $code1 ? $code1 : $code2 ); if ( $code ) { $code = trim( $code, ';' ) . ';'; try { ob_start(); $result = eval( $code ); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { $result = false; } if ( $result === false ) { $output = sprintf( 'Unable to execute code: %s', htmlspecialchars( $code ) ); } } else { $output = htmlspecialchars( 'Invalid mfunc tag syntax. The correct format is: or PHP code.' ); } return $output; } /** * Parse dynamic mclude callback * * @param array $matches * @return string */ function _parse_dynamic_mclude( $matches ) { $file1 = trim( $matches[1] ); $file2 = trim( $matches[2] ); $file = ( $file1 ? $file1 : $file2 ); if ( $file ) { $file = ABSPATH . $file; if ( file_exists( $file ) && is_readable( $file ) ) { ob_start(); include $file; $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $output = sprintf( 'Unable to open file: %s', htmlspecialchars( $file ) ); } } else { $output = htmlspecialchars( 'Incorrect mclude tag syntax. The correct format is: or path/to/file.php.' ); } return $output; } /** * Checks if buffer has dynamic tags * * @param string $buffer * @return boolean */ function _has_dynamic( $buffer ) { if ( !defined( 'W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY' ) ) return false; return preg_match( '~(.*)~Uis', $buffer ); } /** * Check whether requested page has content type that can be cached * * @return bool */ private function _is_cacheable_content_type() { $content_type = ''; $headers = headers_list(); foreach ( $headers as $header ) { $header = strtolower( $header ); $m = null; if ( preg_match( '~\s*content-type\s*:([^;]+)~', $header, $m ) ) { $content_type = trim( $m[1] ); } } $cache_headers = apply_filters( 'w3tc_is_cacheable_content_type', array( '' /* redirects, they have only Location header set */, 'application/json', 'text/html', 'text/xml', 'text/xsl', 'application/xhtml+xml', 'application/rss+xml', 'application/atom+xml', 'application/rdf+xml', 'application/xml' ) ); return in_array( $content_type, $cache_headers ); } /** * Fills $_request_url_fragments['path'], $_request_url_fragments['querystring'] * with cache-related normalized values */ private function _preprocess_request_uri() { $p = explode( '?', $this->_request_uri, 2 ); $this->_request_url_fragments['path'] = $p[0]; $this->_request_url_fragments['querystring'] = ( empty( $p[1] ) ? '' : '?' . $p[1] ); $this->_request_url_fragments = $this->_normalize_url_fragments( $this->_request_url_fragments ); } private function _normalize_url_fragments( $fragments ) { $fragments = w3tc_apply_filters( 'pagecache_normalize_url_fragments', $fragments ); $fragments['querystring'] = $this->_normalize_querystring( $fragments['querystring'] ); return $fragments; } private function _normalize_querystring( $querystring ) { $ignore_qs = $this->_config->get_array( 'pgcache.accept.qs' ); $ignore_qs = w3tc_apply_filters( 'pagecache_extract_accept_qs', $ignore_qs ); Util_Rule::array_trim( $ignore_qs ); if ( empty( $ignore_qs ) || empty( $querystring ) ) { return $querystring; } $querystring_naked = substr( $querystring, 1 ); foreach ( $ignore_qs as $qs ) { $m = null; if ( strpos( $qs, '=' ) === false ) { $regexp = Util_Environment::preg_quote( str_replace( '+', ' ', $qs ) ); if ( @preg_match( "~^(.*?&|)$regexp(=[^&]*)?(&.*|)$~i", $querystring_naked, $m ) ) { $querystring_naked = $m[1] . $m[3]; } } else { $regexp = Util_Environment::preg_quote( str_replace( '+', ' ', $qs ) ); if ( @preg_match( "~^(.*?&|)$regexp(&.*|)$~i", $querystring_naked, $m ) ) { $querystring_naked = $m[1] . $m[2]; } } } $querystring_naked = preg_replace( '~[&]+~', '&', $querystring_naked ); $querystring_naked = trim( $querystring_naked, '&' ); return empty( $querystring_naked ) ? '' : '?' . $querystring_naked; } /** * */ public function delayed_cache_print() { if ( $this->_late_caching && $this->_caching ) { $this->_cached_data = $this->_extract_cached_page( true ); if ( $this->_cached_data ) { global $w3_late_caching_succeeded; $w3_late_caching_succeeded = true; $this->process_status = 'hit'; $this->process_cached_page_and_exit( $this->_cached_data ); // if is passes here - exit is not possible now and // will happen on init return; } } if ( $this->_late_init && $this->_caching ) { $this->process_status = 'hit'; $this->process_cached_page_and_exit( $this->_cached_data ); // if is passes here - exit is not possible now and // will happen on init return; } } private function _maybe_save_cached_result( $buffer, $response_headers, $has_dynamic ) { $mobile_group = $this->_page_key_extension['useragent']; $referrer_group = $this->_page_key_extension['referrer']; $encryption = $this->_page_key_extension['encryption']; $compression_header = $this->_page_key_extension['compression']; $compressions_to_store = $this->_get_compressions(); /** * Don't compress here for debug mode or dynamic tags * because we need to modify buffer before send it to client */ if ( $this->_debug || $has_dynamic ) { $compressions_to_store = array( false ); } // right now dont return compressed buffer if we are dynamic, // that will happen on shutdown after processing dynamic stuff $compression_of_returned_content = ( $has_dynamic ? false : $compression_header ); $headers = $this->_get_cached_headers( $response_headers['plain'] ); if ( !empty( $headers['Status-Code'] ) ) { $is_404 = ( $headers['Status-Code'] == 404 ); } elseif ( function_exists( 'is_404' ) ) { $is_404 = is_404(); } else { $is_404 = false; } if ( $this->_enhanced_mode ) { // redirect issued, if we have some old cache entries // they will be turned into fresh files and catch further requests if ( isset( $response_headers['kv']['Location'] ) ) { $cache = $this->_get_cache( $this->_page_key_extension['group'] ); foreach ( $compressions_to_store as $_compression ) { $_page_key = $this->_get_page_key( array_merge( $this->_page_key_extension, array( 'compression' => $_compression ) ) ); $cache->hard_delete( $_page_key ); } return $buffer; } } $content_type = ''; if ( $this->_enhanced_mode && !$this->_late_init ) { register_shutdown_function( array( $this, '_check_rules_present' ) ); if ( isset( $response_headers['kv']['Content-Type'] ) ) { $content_type = $response_headers['kv']['Content-Type']; } } $time = time(); $cache = $this->_get_cache( $this->_page_key_extension['group'] ); /** * Store different versions of cache */ $buffers = array(); $something_was_set = false; foreach ( $compressions_to_store as $_compression ) { $this->_set_extract_page_key( array_merge( $this->_page_key_extension, array( 'compression' => $_compression, 'content_type' => $content_type ) ), true ); if ( empty( $this->_page_key ) ) continue; // Compress content $buffers[$_compression] = $this->_compress( $buffer, $_compression ); // Store cache data $_data = array( '404' => $is_404, 'headers' => $headers, 'time' => $time, 'content' => $buffers[$_compression] ); if ( !empty( $_compression ) ) { $_data['c'] = $_compression; } if ( $has_dynamic ) $_data['has_dynamic'] = true; $_data = apply_filters( 'w3tc_pagecache_set', $_data, $this->_page_key, $this->_page_group ); if ( !empty( $_data ) ) { $cache->set( $this->_page_key, $_data, $this->_lifetime, $this->_page_group ); $something_was_set = true; } } if ( $something_was_set ) { $this->process_status = 'miss_fill'; } else { $this->process_status = 'miss_third_party'; } // Change buffer if using compression if ( defined( 'W3TC_PAGECACHE_OUTPUT_COMPRESSION_OFF' ) ) { $compression_header = false; } elseif ( $compression_of_returned_content && isset( $buffers[$compression_of_returned_content] ) ) { $buffer = $buffers[$compression_of_returned_content]; } // Calculate content etag $etag = md5( $buffer ); // Send headers $this->_send_headers( $is_404, $time, $etag, $compression_header, $headers ); return $buffer; } public function w3tc_usage_statistics_of_request( $storage ) { global $w3tc_start_microtime; $time_ms = 0; if ( !empty( $w3tc_start_microtime ) ) { $time_ms = (int)( ( microtime( true ) - $w3tc_start_microtime ) * 1000 ); $storage->counter_add( 'pagecache_requests_time_10ms', (int)( $time_ms / 10 ) ); } if ( !empty( $this->process_status ) ) { // see registered keys in PgCache_Plugin.w3tc_usage_statistics_metrics $storage->counter_add( 'php_requests_pagecache_' . $this->process_status, 1 ); if ( $this->_debug ) { self::log( 'finished in ' . $time_ms . ' size ' . $this->output_size . ' with process status ' . $this->process_status . ' reason ' . $this->cache_reject_reason); } } } /** * Log. */ static protected function log( $msg ) { $data = sprintf( "[%s] [%s] [%s] %s\n", date( 'r' ), isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ? filter_var( stripslashes( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL ) : '', ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ? htmlspecialchars( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) : '-', $msg ); $data = strtr( $data, '<>', '..' ); $filename = Util_Debug::log_filename( 'pagecache' ); return @file_put_contents( $filename, $data, FILE_APPEND ); } }