?([\'"])((' . $domain_url_regexp . ')?(/[^\'"/][^\'"]*\.([a-z-_]+)([\?#][^\'"]*)?))[\'"]~Ui', array( $this, 'link_replace_callback' ), $buffer ); // without quotes $buffer = preg_replace_callback( '~(href|src|action|extsrc|asyncsrc)=((' . $domain_url_regexp . ')?(/[^\\s>][^\\s>]*\.([a-z-_]+)([\?#][^\\s>]*)?))([\\s>])~Ui', array( $this, 'link_replace_callback_noquote' ), $buffer ); } return $buffer; } /** * Link replace callback * * @param string $matches * @return string */ function link_replace_callback( $matches ) { list ( $match, $attr, $quote, $url, , , , , $extension ) = $matches; $ops = $this->_get_url_mutation_operations( $url, $extension ); if ( is_null( $ops ) ) return $match; $url = $this->mutate_url( $url, $ops, !$this->browsercache_rewrite ); if ( $attr != 'w3tc_load_js(' ) return $attr . '=' . $quote . $url . $quote; return sprintf( '%s\'%s\'', $attr, $url ); } /** * Link replace callback when no quote arount attribute value * * @param string $matches * @return string */ function link_replace_callback_noquote( $matches ) { list ( $match, $attr, $url, , , , , $extension, , $delimiter ) = $matches; $ops = $this->_get_url_mutation_operations( $url, $extension ); if ( is_null( $ops ) ) return $match; $url = $this->mutate_url( $url, $ops, !$this->browsercache_rewrite ); return $attr . '=' . $url . $delimiter; } /** * Mutate http/2 header links */ public function w3tc_minify_http2_preload_url( $data ) { if ( isset( $data['browsercache_processed'] ) ) { return $data; } $data['browsercache_processed'] = '*'; $url = $data['result_link']; // decouple extension $matches = array(); if ( !preg_match( '/\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)($|[\?])/', $url, $matches ) ) { return $data; } $extension = $matches[1]; $ops = $this->_get_url_mutation_operations( $url, $extension ); if ( is_null( $ops ) ) { return $data; } $mutate_by_querystring = !$this->browsercache_rewrite; $url = $this->mutate_url( $url, $ops, $mutate_by_querystring ); $data['result_link'] = $url; return $data; } /** * Link replace for CDN url * * @param string $matches * @return string */ function w3tc_cdn_url( $url, $original_url, $is_cdn_mirror ) { // decouple extension $matches = array(); if ( !preg_match( '/\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)($|[\?])/', $original_url, $matches ) ) return $url; $extension = $matches[1]; $ops = $this->_get_url_mutation_operations( $original_url, $extension ); if ( is_null( $ops ) ) return $url; // for push cdns each flush would require manual reupload of files $mutate_by_querystring = !$this->browsercache_rewrite || !$is_cdn_mirror; $url = $this->mutate_url( $url, $ops, $mutate_by_querystring ); return $url; } private function mutate_url( $url, $ops, $mutate_by_querystring ) { $query_pos = strpos( $url, '?' ); if ( isset( $ops['querystring'] ) && $query_pos !== false ) { $url = substr( $url, 0, $query_pos ); $query_pos = false; } if ( isset( $ops['replace'] ) ) { $id = $this->get_filename_uniqualizator(); if ( $mutate_by_querystring ) { if ( $query_pos !== false ) { $url = substr( $url, 0, $query_pos + 1 ) . $id . '&' . substr( $url, $query_pos + 1 ); } else { $tag_pos = strpos( $url, '#' ); if ( $tag_pos === false ) { $url .= '?' . $id; } else { $url = substr( $url, 0, $tag_pos ) . '?' . $id . substr( $url, $tag_pos ); } } } else { // add $id to url before extension $url_query = ''; if ( $query_pos !== false ) { $url_query = substr( $url, $query_pos ); $url = substr( $url, 0, $query_pos ); } $ext_pos = strrpos( $url, '.' ); $extension = substr( $url, $ext_pos ); $url = substr( $url, 0, strlen( $url ) - strlen( $extension ) ) . '.' . $id . $extension . $url_query; } } return $url; } function _get_url_mutation_operations( $url, $extension ) { static $extensions = null; if ( $extensions === null ) { $core = Dispatcher::component( 'BrowserCache_Core' ); $extensions = $core->get_replace_querystring_extensions( $this->_config ); } static $exceptions = null; if ( $exceptions === null ) $exceptions = $this->_config->get_array( 'browsercache.replace.exceptions' ); if ( !isset( $extensions[$extension] ) ) return null; $test_url = Util_Environment::remove_query( $url ); foreach ( $exceptions as $exception ) { $escaped = str_replace( '~', '\~', $exception ); if ( trim( $exception ) && preg_match( '~' . $escaped . '~', $test_url ) ) return null; } return $extensions[$extension]; } /** * Returns replace ID * * @return string */ function get_filename_uniqualizator() { static $cache_id = null; if ( $cache_id === null ) { $value = get_option( 'w3tc_browsercache_flush_timestamp' ); if ( empty( $value ) ) { $value = rand( 10000, 99999 ) . ''; update_option( 'w3tc_browsercache_flush_timestamp', $value ); } $cache_id = substr( $value, 0, 5 ); } return 'x' . $cache_id; } public function w3tc_admin_bar_menu( $menu_items ) { $browsercache_update_media_qs = ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.cssjs.replace' ) || $this->_config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.other.replace' ) ); if ( $browsercache_update_media_qs ) { $menu_items['20190.browsercache'] = array( 'id' => 'w3tc_flush_browsercache', 'parent' => 'w3tc_flush', 'title' => __( 'Browser Cache', 'w3-total-cache' ), 'href' => wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=w3tc_dashboard&w3tc_flush_browser_cache' ), 'w3tc' ) ); } return $menu_items; } /** * Send headers */ function send_headers() { @header( 'X-Powered-By: ' . Util_Environment::w3tc_header() ); } /** * Returns headers config for CDN */ function w3tc_cdn_config_headers( $config ) { $sections = Util_Mime::sections_to_mime_types_map(); foreach ( $sections as $section => $v ) { $config[$section] = $this->w3tc_cdn_config_headers_section( $section ); } return $config; } private function w3tc_cdn_config_headers_section( $section ) { $c = $this->_config; $prefix = 'browsercache.' . $section; $lifetime = $c->get_integer( $prefix . '.lifetime' ); $headers = array(); if ( $c->get_boolean( $prefix . '.w3tc' ) ) { $headers['X-Powered-By'] = Util_Environment::w3tc_header(); } if ( $c->get_boolean( $prefix . '.cache.control' ) ) { switch ( $c->get_string( $prefix . '.cache.policy' ) ) { case 'cache': $headers['Pragma'] = 'public'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public'; break; case 'cache_public_maxage': $headers['Pragma'] = 'public'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=$lifetime, public"; break; case 'cache_validation': $headers['Pragma'] = 'public'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate'; break; case 'cache_noproxy': $headers['Pragma'] = 'public'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private, must-revalidate'; break; case 'cache_maxage': $headers['Pragma'] = 'public'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = "max-age=$lifetime, public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate"; break; case 'no_cache': $headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'; $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=0, private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'; break; } } return array( 'etag' => $c->get_boolean( $prefix . 'etag' ), 'expires' => $c->get_boolean( $prefix . '.expires' ), 'lifetime' => $lifetime, 'static' => $headers ); } /** * Filters headers set by WordPress * * @param unknown $headers * @param unknown $wp * @return */ function filter_wp_headers( $headers, $wp ) { if ( !empty( $wp->query_vars['feed'] ) ) unset( $headers['ETag'] ); return $headers; } /** * Admin notice for Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only that displays if the feature is enabled and the report-uri/to isn't defined. * * @since 2.2.13 */ public function admin_notices() { if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'browsercache.security.cspro' ) && empty( $this->_config->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.reporturi' ) ) && empty( $this->_config->get_string( 'browsercache.security.cspro.reportto' ) ) ) { $message = '
' . sprintf( // translators: 1 opening HTML a tag to Browser Cache CSP-Report-Only settings, 2 closing HTML a tag. esc_html__( 'The Content Security Policy - Report Only requires the "report-uri" and/or "report-to" directives. Please define one or both of these directives %1$shere%2$s.', 'w3-total-cache' ), '', '' ); Util_Ui::error_box( $message ); } } }